John Loughran son of the late Mary would like to thank all those who sympathised with him following his recent sad bereavement.
All those who attended the wake, funeral, sent Mass and sympathy cards, telephoned, texted, brought gifts and helped in anyway.
Especially her sister Mona Smyth who travelled from Belfast to attend the funeral.
Thanks to Fr. Barry Matthews for the fitting tribute and beautiful Requiem Mass, Rebecca and Lucy for their Psalm readings, Eilish Fox for her singing and Loretta the Sacristan of Knockaconey Chapel.
To the staff in Orchard Care Home who cared for her while she was a resident. The ladies who helped at the wake and provided refreshments after the funeral.
Martin Kelly Funeral Director for the kind and compassionate way in which the funeral arrangements were carried out. As it is impossible to thank everyone individually.
I trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of my sincere appreciation.
Mary’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday November 30, at 6.00pm in Knockaconey Chapel.