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Acknowledgement for the late Mary Grimley (Derrynoose)

Grimley, Mary.

The family of the late Mary Grimley would like to express our most sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who supported and sympathised with us in our deeply sad bereavement and in the weeks since.

Mary was a much loved wife, mother, mother in law, grandmother, sister and friend to so many people, who will be sadly missed.

We express our deep gratitude to those who took the time to attend the wake and funeral, who brought mass cards and gifts of food, those who travelled a distance to pay their respects and to the many other expressions of sympathy through texts, on-line messages and floral tributes.

Thank you to everyone who made and served refreshments throughout the busy days of the wake and to everyone who provided parking assistance and diverting traffic. We will be forever grateful to our wonderful family, friends and kind neighbours for their love, friendship and support.

There are many individuals and groups of people who helped to care for Mary during her illness and who especially helped her in the last few months: in Craigavon Area Hospital, the doctors and nurses of the Mandeville Unit, Dr Foy and his team on the Haematology ward, doctors and nurses of Ward One South and the Palliative Care team and Dr Watters and staff, Keady. We will be forever grateful for your tireless efforts, professional skills, kindness and respect shown to Mary.

We sincerely thank all those who participated in celebrating a very personal and spiritual Requiem Mass for Mary, especially our Parish Priest Fr Seán O Neill and to Rev Fr Sean Moore for attending and praying with us.

We would like to thank Catherine Grimley and Dermot McCusker for the beautiful singing and music and helped to make it a special celebration of her life.
Thank you to the sacristans for preparing the church and to Suzanne Campbell, Budz, Castleblayney for providing the beautiful floral arrangements.

Finally, our most sincere gratitude and thanks to Bridget and the team at Mone Funeral Directors, Keady. You provided so much support and comfort to us at this sad time. We thank you for the professional, dignified and sensitive handling of Mary’s funeral arrangements.

It is impossible to thank everyone individually at this time of heartbreak and grief but we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our appreciation and gratitude.

Mary’s memory lives on in our hearts and in the countless happy memories we shared.

Mary’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Sunday 8th December at 10am in St Mochua’s Church, Derrynoose.

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