Dynes, Mary R.I.P. (Dungannon). We, the family of Mary Dynes would like to express our gratitude to all who sympathised with us on the recent loss of our much-loved wife, mother and granny.
We would like to acknowledge and thank all those who paid their respects in any way – to those who called to our home, rang us, sent mass cards, messages of sympathy, made donations to Marie Curie, left messages online or joined us at the funeral mass. It brought us great comfort at this sad time. We would like to pay particular thanks to all those who helped in any way during the wake and to those who brought food to the house.
Our sincere gratitude to Father Eamonn McCamley for his spiritual support throughout mum’s final days and for the beautiful and personal Requiem Mass. Also to the Clonmore Choir for the lovely singing that truly enhanced the service.
We are indebted to the District Nursing Team, the Domiciliary Care Team and the Marie Curie Team who provided excellent care and support to mum and our family during her final weeks.
Finally, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to Dermot and the team at Quinn Bros. Funeral Directors for the professional, dignified and compassionate handling of the funeral arrangements and to those who prepared Mums final resting place with such care.
As it is not possible to thank everyone individually, please accept this as a token of appreciation from the whole Dynes / Coleman family.
Mary’s month mind mass will be celebrated on Sunday April 30, at 10am in the Sacred Heart Church Clonmore.
“May she rest in Eternal Peace”