Coulter, Mary. (née Campbell). We the family of the late Mary Coulter (RIP), also wife of the late Pat, would like to express our most sincere gratitude to everyone who supported us in our recent bereavement. Mary was a much-loved mother, mother-in-law, nanny, great granny, sister, sister-in-law, auntie, cousin and friend.
Thank you to all our extended family for their support and care given to mummy prior to her passing. Thanks to everyone who called at the wake and attended or watched the funeral. Thank you to all for the mass offerings, sympathy cards, letters, phone calls and messages.
Thankyou for all donations to Newry Hospice and Marie Curie in lieu of flowers. A special word of thanks to Newry District Nursing team and the Marie Curie Nurses for the dignified and professional care given to Mary.
Sincere thanks to all the GP s and Staff at Clanrye surgery for the care and attention given to Mary. Thankyou also to the doctors at Daisy Hill whom Mary attended.
A special thanks to Canon Brown for the celebration of her Funeral Mass, to Kevin Kearney and Mary’s grand-daughter Sarah for the beautiful singing and to Terence for the lovely music.
Our family truly appreciated the Guard of Honour by Ballyholland Camogie Club at the funeral and to the Ballyholland Harps camogs, footballers and club members for all their support. Thank you to the many camogs and gaels from around the county for their attendance at the house and the funeral.
A massive thank you to Gavin and Declan from George Preston Funeral Directors for their professional and dignified manner in which they carried out the wake and funeral.
To Newry Golf Club thank you for the lovely meal and service you provided to family and friends following the funeral mass. As it is impossible to thank everyone individually ,please all accept this acknowledgement as a token of our deepest gratitude.
Mary’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Sunday February 5, 2023 at 10.30 am mass in St. Mary’s Church, Chapel Street, Newry.
Contact us via email marketing@ and our dedicated team can help you choose a fitting tribute.