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Acknowledgement for the late Margaret Irwin (Lurgan)

Death Notice Armagh I

Irwin, Margaret.

The family circle of the late Margaret Irwin wish to thank everyone who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement.

Heartfelt thanks to all those who shared their condolences in Malcomsons Funeral Home, attended the funeral, sent cards of sympathy or helped in any way.

Special thanks to the staff at Ann’s Home Care and District Nurses who cared for Margaret, their kindness and generosity will never be forgotten.

Sincere thanks to the Pastor of the Baptist Church Jonny Ormerod for a beautiful Service, also thanks to the organist for the beautiful music.

The family would like to thank the paramedics and police who responded promptly and treated the family with the upmost respect. Also thanks to those who sent donations to the British Red Cross.

Our heartfelt appreciation goes to Charlie Poots and Malcomsons Funeral Service as they have been so helpful and caring at this sad time.

While it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our gratitude to all.

The Irwin Family.

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