Devlin, Malachy.
2 Orritor Crescent, Cookstown.
Malachy passed away suddenly on July 26. Known well in the local community he was a father, grandfather, son, brother, brother-in-law, uncle and friend.
We, his daughters Emma and Catherine wish to express our sincere appreciation and heartfelt thanks to all those who sympathised, prayed for and supported us through our recent, sudden and sad bereavement.
We are indebted to all those who supported us, sent Mass cards, sympathy cards, messages, wreaths, floral tributes, and expressed their condolences via telephone and social media. We would like to acknowledge all those who paid their respects in any way.
Sincere thanks to our relatives, friends and neighbours who helped out in so many ways, to help us grieve as a family.
A special word of thanks to Father Brian Slater for his spiritual support, guidance and the comforting Requiem Mass.
We convey our appreciation also to the Sacristan and everyone who assisted with the Mass, especially our musicians Margaret Anne Conlan and Plunkett McGartland who provided the beautiful music which made the Mass so special.
We would sincerely like to thank Colleén and Michael of Niall A Loughran funeral directors for their very efficient, dignified and professional manner in which they carried out all the funeral arrangements during these difficult times.
We would like to express our thanks to the PSNI for the support offered and the dignified manner in which they conducted themselves following the sudden passing of daddy.
Thank you to those who stood along the route as we made the journey from the funeral Home. We took great comfort on the afternoon of the funeral from the support of everyone who stood out as a mark of respect, from those who joined us at the Chapel, and from those who viewed daddy’s funeral Mass online.
A special word of thanks to the gravediggers who prepared daddy’s resting place with great care and to all those who helped us in any way.
As it is not possible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a small gesture of our sincere appreciation. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for all your intentions.
Malachy’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday August 27, 2022 at 10am in Holy Trinity Church, Cookstown and can be viewed here.
Please leave messages of condolence in our comments section on the website
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