Feely, Lily.
The family of the late Elizabeth (Lily) Feely wish to thank everyone for their kindness and support during their recent sad bereavement.
Thanks to all who called at our home, attended the funeral and gave donations in lieu of flowers to Southern Area Hospice.
We very much appreciate the Rev. Byran Kee for visiting the family home and conducting her funeral service.
Special word of thanks to Rev. Robert McClure for visiting and pastoral care of our mother and to the staff at Hamilton Court care home.
Many thanks to K.G. Cheevers & Son for the dignified and professional manner they carried out the funeral arrangements.
A special word of thanks to the caterers Simply Good Catering, Markethill for their professional service.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere gratitude.
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