Lappin, Lauren R.I.P.
We, the family of Lauren would like to express our heartfelt thanks to everyone who sympathised with us and helped us through the devastating loss of our precious girl.
We wish to express our gratitude for the kindness and generosity shown to us by our extended family, friends and neighbours throughout Lauren’s illness and during this difficult time since Lauren’s passing.
A sincere thank you to all those who sent beautiful and touching messages through letters, online messages, mass cards, cards of condolences, flowers, your love and support has provided much comfort and will always stay with us.
We are overwhelmed by the generous donations to The Children’s Cancer Unit Charity in lieu of flowers.
We genuinely cannot express how thankful we are to all the Children’s Community Nurses, Dr David Graham CAH, Dr Murray and staff Newtownhamilton HC, Staff at Clarke’s Chemist Newtownhamilton, the amazing doctors, nurses and supporting staff in the Children’s Oncology/Haematology Clinic and Ward at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children Belfast for their professionalism, kindness and compassion when caring for Lauren.
A special message of thanks to Fr Greg Carvill for his spiritual care and support he provided during Lauren’s illness and for celebrating a beautiful funeral Mass of the Angels.
Finally our sincere gratitude to Bridget Mone Funeral Director for her professionalism and guidance and to the dignified way the funeral arrangements were carried out. Thank you for making such a difficult time that bit easier for us. Thank you to the grave digger whom carefully prepared Lauren’s final resting place.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our appreciation.
“Rest in peace our precious little angel.”
Lauren’s month’s mind mass will be celebrated on Friday January 10, at 7.30pm in St Mary’s Church Granemore.