Crilly, Kevin (Armagh). We the family of the late Kevin (Snooge) Crilly wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who offered support and sympathy to us during our sad bereavement.
To our family and friends for their support to Paul (Coco), Claire, Nora and enable care for their kindness to Kevin. to all those who attended the Wake/Funeral, brought mass cards, telephoned or posted their condolences online, we appreciated each and every one of them.
Thanks also to the many individuals businesses who brought of food to the wake.
Many thanks to the rapid response team, the paramedics, the doctors and nurses in recuss at Craigavon area hospital, also Canon Stevenson.
A special thanks to Fr peter Mc Anenly for Kevin’s funeral mass and to Cathy and Patricia for the beautiful music and singing and to the piper, Kevin Mc Bride. Also thanks to those who did guard of honour.
Thank you to Martin Kelly for his compassionate and complete professional handling of all the funeral arrangements.
At the risk of failing to mention someone, we trust this acknowledgment will be accepted as our sincere token of our appreciation.
Kevin’s months mind will be held in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh on Saturday January 7, at 6.30pm
Contact us via email marketing@ and our dedicated team can help you choose a fitting tribute.