We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to all those who offered us sympathy and support during our recent bereavement. To all who called at the house, attended the wake and funeral, sent sympathy cards or messages of condolence, brought food, made donations or helped in any way, we deeply appreciate your acts of kindness.
Our sincere thanks to the Reverend Jonathan Curry for conducting a thoughtful service and for his support to our family, to the organist Philip Hamilton, the George Cross Association and all those who participated in the funeral, to Tandragee Presbyterian Church and to the gravediggers for preparing Dad’s final resting place. Thanks also to Tandragee Golf Club for the use of their facilities and for providing refreshments after the funeral.
A special thank-you to R Warnock Funeral Director for the distinguished and personal manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out.
We would also like to take this opportunity to express our deep gratitude for the exceptional care and kindness provided by the healthcare teams who accompanied Dad and ourselves in recent months, in particular Markethill Health Centre, the Acute Care at Home team, the Community District Nurse team, the Mandeville Unit at Craigavon Area Hospital, Macmillan, Marie Curie, Ann’s Home Care and Partridge’s Chemist Tandragee.
With thanks from the McFarland family.
As it would not be possible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as an expression of our sincere appreciation.