McStravick, Joseph (Jody). Coalisland. The McStravick family would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank everyone who sympathised with us on the loss of our much loved husband, father, grandfather and brother.
A special word of thanks to our extended family, kind neighbours and friends for their help, support and generosity during Daddy’s wake and funeral. We are indebted to all those who called at the house, brought and sent food, sent Mass cards, sympathy cards, letters, messages and floral tributes, and expressed their condolences via telephone and social media.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to those who served tea and provided meals during the wake. Thanks to those who prepared the driveway during the icy conditions and facilitated the car parking and outdoor lighting at the house.
We would like to thank the Doctors and Nurses of Craigavon Area Hospital who cared for Daddy with such sincerity.
Our sincere gratitude to Fr Mark O’Hagan who celebrated Daddy’s beautiful funeral Mass and delivered such a heartfelt homily. Thanks also to Canon Fee for concelebrating the Mass.
A special word of thanks to Mr Desi McNeill (Principal), Staff and students from St Joseph’s College, Coalisland and Coalisland Fianna GFC for their dignified and respectful Guard of Honour.
A special thanks to Margaret Anne Conlon and Patrick Slevin for the beautiful singing and piano accompaniment which enhanced the celebration of the Mass.
Thanks to Patsy Taggart Funeral Directors for the caring, attentive and dignified manner in which they conducted Daddy’s funeral arrangements. Thanks also to the gravedigger and Church Sacristan.
We took great comfort on the morning of the funeral from the support of everyone who lined the funeral cortege route, those who joined us at the Church and those who viewed Daddy’s funeral Mass online.
As it is not possible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as an expression of our deepest gratitude to all.
“The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for all your intentions”.
Jody’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Monday January 9, 2023 at 7:30pm in St Mary’s and St Joseph’s Church, Brackaville Road, Coalisland.
Contact us via email marketing@ and our dedicated team can help you choose a fitting tribute.