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Acknowledgement for the late Joseph Carlisle (Armagh)

Carlisle, Joseph.

The family of the late Joseph Carlisle wish to extend our gratitude to our family, friends and neighbour’s who offered sympathy and support during our recent loss.

We would like to thank everyone who helped during the wake and funeral, for the food, messages of support and sympathy cards.

We extend a special thank you to the staff in Dunlarg care home, District Nurses, Macmillan, and Marie Curie Nurses for the compassion shown to Joseph.

Thank you to the Cu Chulainn hurlers for the guard of honour, to Father Barry for his beautiful mass, Kathy and Aoife for their beautiful singing and music, to the grave diggers for preparing Joseph’s final resting place and to Donna and Laura Keegan for providing the food after the funeral.

A special thank you to JJ McArdle and staff for the efficient and dignified manner in which they carried out Joseph’s funeral arrangements.

As it would not be possible to thank everyone individually we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token our our appreciation.

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