Lavery, John Joseph ‘Tam’.
The son and daughters of the late John Joseph (Tam) Lavery would like to express their sincere gratitude to all those who shared in our recent loss. To those of you who called at our home, messaged us, sent cards, attended the church, and had us in your thoughts, we will be eternally grateful.
To the staff of the Church Walk Surgery, the respiratory ward in Craigavon Area Hospital and the Bronte Ward in Bluestone, the care given to our father over the past few years was above and beyond any expectation. Your gentle and considerate approach towards our father’s medical needs were well noted and appreciated. The family extend their thanks to the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service and to the entire medical services team for their unwavering attention and exceptional care.
To Sabrina Harbinson, our dad’s social worker, you became like a sibling to us over the recent years. You forged a relationship with our dad that was reassuring and comforting to him. You also educated us as a family on how to deal with an ageing parent with medical needs. For this, we are so thankful. A mention also for Aine McDowell who took time and effort trying to sort our dad out with daycare activities.
To the Stables, Golden Crust Bakery, and Helen Marshall for your generous contributions of food and equipment over the three days – we can’t thank you enough. Thanks also to Stephen Dummigan for his assistance with the buffet after the burial. To the St Paul’s club, in particular, Laurence Magee and Michael Tennyson, thank you very much for the use of the clubhouse on what was a busy night for all involved.
To Francie and Mary McAlinden, daughter Louise, and staff of McAlinden & Murtagh Funeral Directors, words cannot thank you enough for the guidance and professionalism shown to our family. You were a beacon of light in what was a dark and sad time for all. A big thanks also to Ann Mc Parland and family from the Flower Boutique Lurgan. Your personal floral display reflected the sentiment of Christmas that we wished to convey.
To Father Column Wright – your personal input presiding over our father’s service gave us strength and comfort. Your sermon was so befitting of our dad. To the staff of St Peter’s Church and the graveyard staff, your work behind the scenes didn’t go unnoticed. To Niamh Murray for the musical rendition played at the service. Simply beautiful!
Finally, please accept our apologies if we did not mention you in person in the above but know that your kindness and thoughtfulness will remain in our hearts always.
Thank you!
The Lavery Family.
Our dad’s month’s mind Mass will be held in St Peter’s Church on Saturday January 20, at 6.00 pm.
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