McQuillan, John, Keady The family of the late John McQuillan, Kathleen, Geraldine, John, Rose and Lesa and the extended circle wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who sympathised with them during their sad loss. To all our wonderful family, friends and kind neighbours who have been so generous with their help and support over the death and indeed over many years we thank you all. To all those who attended the wake/funeral, sent mass/sympathy cards, brought gifts of food and floral tributes or who helped in any way we are deeply appreciative.
Many thanks also to those who telephoned, sent messages or posted online their expressions of sympathy we assure you we derived great solace from them. Also to the many people those who stood out to pay their respect as “Da” took his final journey to the chapel we were humbled and very proud of you all.
Sincere thanks to Da’s GP in Archway Surgery in Armagh and prior to that the Dr’s and staff of Willowbank Surgery. To the nurses and staff of Hamilton Court Care Home who provided exemplary care in the last year’s of Da’s life we can not praise you highly enough.
Thanks to the priests of Keady parish and especially to Fr Greg Carville (CilChuluna parish) for presiding over a very beautiful and fitting funeral mass. To the Sacriston and parish team who prepared the church and for the provision of the webcam which enabled our family abroad and those unable to attend to join with us in the celebration of Da’s life. Many thanks to Micheal and Patricia for the beautiful music which enriched the mass.
Finally to Glenane Coach hire for the provision of the horse drawn hearse and to Mone Funeral Directors for the complete and professional handling of all the funeral arrangements.
We trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted as a sincere token of our thanks and appreciation.
Da’s month mind mass will be held on Monday June 27, at 7pm in St Patrick’s Church Keady
Please leave messages of condolence in our comments section on the website
Remember a loved one with a sympathy or memoriam notice on Armagh I.
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