McCann John, (Edendork). The family of the late John McCann, Edendork, wish to express our sincere appreciation to neighbours, friends and family who sympathised with us and for the gestures of kindness shown following our recent sad loss.
Special thanks to the District Nursing team who provided expert care and valued friendship over the past few years, the staff in Donnelly and McAleer Pharmacy, Parkview surgery, Craigavon Area Hospital and the Trust Care team.
Our sincere thanks are also extended to Dean Donaghy who officiated the Requiem Mass and burial, and to hospital Chaplin, Father Murphy.
We are very grateful to Plunkett Teague Funeral Directors for the caring, professional and dignified way the funeral arrangements were conducted, and for the invaluable assistance provided throughout.
We would also like to thank the following: those who prepared and participated at the Requiem Mass, the Sacristan, Readers, Eucharistic minister, grave diggers, George Hanna for the music during the service and The Gables for the funeral lunch afterwards.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our sincere appreciation.
Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated in Saint Malachy’s Church Edendork, on Thursday January 12, at 7.30pm.
Contact us via email marketing@ and our dedicated team can help you choose a fitting tribute.