Gardyne, John (Dungannon). Margaret, Narbflaith, Anne and the extended family of the late John Gardyne would like to acknowledge all those who sympathised with us during our recent tragic loss. We greatly appreciate everyone who has supported us at this very difficult time.
To our friends, relatives and neighbours for their generosity of food, gifts, kindness and ongoing support for which we are truly humbled and grateful.
A special word of thanks to the McGee, Corrigan, McElvogue, McKee, Bell, Cross, Sherman, Hughes and Hanna Families who helped us in so many ways during the wake and funeral period.
Heartfelt thanks to Rev Fr John Flanagan, Fr Pat Hannigan, Fr John McCallion and Canon Benny Fee for their spiritual support and concelebrating the Requiem Mass so reverently.
Thanks to all who contributed to the funeral preparations and Mass -Anne Cadwallader, Robin Tebutt, James Warnock, Timothy McCarthy, Maura Devlin, John McNeice, John McAliskey, Louise Reindorp, Alice McMahon, Lucy Jones, Andrew Taylor, Margaret Coyle, Marion Corrigan, Teresa Crossan, Eilis Cullen, Eamon Conway, Joanne Askin, Grainne Broderick, Fiona Kenwell and Stuart Jones.
To the excellent soloist Anita Ross and the talented musicians for the beautiful and uplifting music in the church and Noel Mullan for providing the moving pipe music which accompanied John to his final resting place.
Thanks to Margaret Taggart the Sacristan and the grave diggers.
We offer sincere thanks to the Principal, Vice Principal and staff of Dean Maguirc College Carrickmore for their overwhelming support and presence throughout the wake and funeral.
We pay tribute to E. Quinn and sons funeral directors for their excellent professional services. Our gratitude is also owed to the staff of Quinn’s corner who catered for the post-funeral meal.
Finally, we thank everyone who visited the home, attended the funeral, watched via webcam, and to those family and friends who travelled a great distance to pay their respects.
Also thanks to all who sent letters, mass and sympathy cards or other tributes. As we cannot thank each person individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted as a small gesture of our sincere appreciation.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for all your intentions.
The Month’s Mind Mass for John will be held on Thursday May 25, at 7.30pm in St Patrick’s Church Clonoe.
Contact us via email marketing@ and our dedicated team can help you choose a fitting tribute.