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Acknowledgement for the late Joe Kerr (Portadown)

Kerr, Joe. RIP.

The family of the late Joe Kerr RIP wish to express their sincere gratitude to all who sympathised and supported them on their recent bereavement of their beloved father, grandfather, great grandfather, brother and uncle.

Thanks to everyone who called to the house and sent Mass cards, sympathy cards and flowers and to everyone who provided food during the wake and for those who attended the wake and funeral Mass.

A heartfelt thanks to Fr. Paul Murphy who celebrated Joe’s Requiem Mass and gave the family huge support during the time of the wake and funeral. A special word of thanks to Aine Mckee and Sinéad Willox for the beautiful music.

Special thanks to Dermot, Hugh and all at Quinn Bros for the dignified and professional manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out.

Thank you to all who helped out in the Parish Centre after the Mass and to T. Knox and Son’s for providing the refreshments.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this as a token of our sincere gratitude to you all.

Joe’s months mind Mass will be celebrated on Monday September 2, at 7.30pm in St. Patrick’s Church Stonebridge.

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