Caraher, Jimmy (Crossmaglen). We the family of the late Jimmy Caraher RIP would sincerely like to thank everyone who sympathised with us on our recent sad bereavement. We would like to thank all our family, friends and neighbours who helped during the wake and funeral. A special word of thanks to those who visited the house and those who lined the road on Jimmy’s final journey.
We would like to thank Fr Dermot for his support and kind words at the time of Jimmys passing and for celebrating the funeral mass, also to the Murphy family for the beautiful music.
Thank you to Brendan and this team at McConville’s Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional service provided.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope that this acknowledgment will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation and your kindness will never be forgotten.
Jimmy’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated at 6:30pm on Saturday January 7, in St. Patrick’s Church Crossmaglen.
“Sacred Heart of Jesus Have Mercy On His Soul”
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