Maguire, Jennie (Mullabrack). The family of the late Jennie Maguire RIP would like to thank all those who offered support and sympathy to them during their recent bereavement.
We thank all those who attended the wake and funeral, brought mass/sympathy cards, telephoned or posted their condolences online and gave generous donations to the Northern Ireland Chest, Heart and Stroke Association. We assure you these were all greatly appreciated.
A special thanks to Fr Woods for his support and for celebrating the funeral mass. Thanks also to the Sacristan for preparing the church and to Sinead Smyth Murphy for her beautiful musical contribution to the mass.
Thanks to all those who cared for Jennie recently including the doctors and nurses in C.A.H, the staff from Ann’s Home Care and everyone in Dunlarg Nursing home in Keady.
We thank Mullabrack Hall for the use of the facilities following the funeral. Thanks to Embers, Armagh for the food and to everyone who helped to serve it.
Finally sincere gratitude to the gravedigger for preparing the grave and to Martin Kelly Funeral Directors for the professional and compassionate handling of all the funeral arrangements.
As it is not possible to thank you all individually please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere gratitude and thanks.
Jennie’s month mind mass will be held in St James Chapel Mullabrack on Sunday January 29, at 11:30am
Contact us via email marketing@ and our dedicated team can help you choose a fitting tribute.