The family of the late Jemma Hanratty (Allenhill Park, Lurgan) wish to express their heartfelt appreciation and thanks to everyone who supported them during the loss of their beloved mother and grandmother.
Your kindness in calling at the house, sending mass and sympathy cards, and attending the funeral has meant so much to them.
A special word of thanks goes to the wonderful carers at Anne’s Home Care, whose compassionate care during Jemma’s illness will always be remembered with gratitude.
Our heartfelt thanks to Father Colum Murphy PP for the celebration of Requiem Mass, and to Sophie Doyle and Ciaran Scullion for their beautiful music, which added a special touch to the service.
They would also like to extend their thanks to Francie, Louise, and the entire team at McAlinden and Murtagh Funeral Directors for everything they did for us.
Their empathy, support and attention to detail were second to none, and we are truly thankful for all your help.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually for their kindness, they hope this acknowledgement will be accepted by all with their sincere gratitude.
Jemma’s Months Mind Mass will be held on Thursday November 7, at 8.00 am in St. Peter’s Church, Lurgan.