The family of the late James McAtarsney wish to acknowledge with deep appreciation the support shown to us during our recent sad bereavement.
Our heartfelt thanks to the many friends, neighbours, work colleagues and extended family circle for their kindness in calling at our home, sending mass cards, donations and gifts, and from those from near and far who attended the funeral.
Our sincere thanks to Father Brennan and Canon Kearney for concelebrating the beautiful requiem mass and for their spiritual support. Also the McNeill sisters for the uplifting music and singing during the mass.
A special word of thanks to the Acute Home Care Team of the Southern Trust for their excellent medical attention, the Marie Curie team and the carers who cared for James with unfailing kindness and dedication.
Thanks to McArdle funeral directors who carried out the funeral arrangements in a professional and dignified manner. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all with sincere thanks.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for the intention of all.
James’ Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday July 16 at 7pm mass in St Patrick’s Church, Stonebridge, Co Armagh.
Please leave messages of condolence in our comments section on the website
Remember a loved one with a sympathy or memoriam notice on Armagh I.
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