Conlon, Jacqueline (née Matthews)
Maphoner Road, Mullaghbawn
The family of the late Jacqueline Conlon would like to express our most heartfelt appreciation to all those who sympathised with us in our deeply sad bereavement. Jacqueline was a much-loved wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend to many people.
Our deepest gratitude to those who took the time to attend the wake and funeral, brought Mass cards and gifts of food, those who travelled a distance to pay their respects and to the many other expressions of sympathy through texts, online messages and floral tributes. Heartfelt thanks to the ladies who made and served refreshments throughout the busy days of the wake and to all the men who provided parking assistance. We greatly value our wonderful family, friends and kind neighbours for their love, friendship and support, not just over the wake and funeral but especially during Jacqueline’s illness.
There are many individuals and groups of people who made it possible for Jacqueline to be cared for at home: Crossmaglen District Nursing Team, Specialist Palliative Care Team, Hospice Out of Hours Nursing Care at Home Service, Southern Area Hospice, doctors and staff of Mullaghbawn Surgery, staff at Mullaghbawn Pharmacy, Mr Flannery, Mr Conkey and specialist nurses at the Cancer Centre, Belfast City Hospital; we will be forever grateful for your tireless efforts, professional skills and kindness.
Sincere and heartful thanks to all who participated in celebrating a very personal and fitting Requiem Mass for Jacqueline, especially our Parish Priest, Fr Emlyn McGinn, Fr John Heagney (Eglish), Fr Donal Megan (Dominican) and Fr Dan Dunne (Kildare & Leighlin). We also wish to thank our dear friends, the Anderson sisters, for the uplifting singing and music which greatly enhanced the ceremony, making it such a special and deeply spiritual celebration of her life.
Thank you to the sacristans for preparing the church and to Central Florist Newry for providing beautiful floral arrangements. Our deep-felt appreciation to the pupils and staff of St Paul’s High School, Bessbrook and Silverbridge Harps GFC for the guard of honour formation. A special word of thanks to the management and staff of the Carrickdale Hotel for providing the appetising meal on the day of Jacqueline’s funeral.
Finally, our sincere gratitude to Bridget and team from Mone Funeral Directors, Keady, for the dignified professionalism and sensitive handling of all Jacqueline’s funeral arrangements.
It is impossible to thank everyone individually during this time of incredible heartache, but we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our appreciation and deep gratitude.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.
Jacqueline’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Friday November 29, at 7:30pm, in St Mary’s Church, Mullaghbawn.