Haughey, Gabrielle.
The family of the late Gabrielle Haughey wish to thank all those who sympathised with them during the sad passing of a much wife, mother, grandmother, sister and friend to many people.
Special thanks to all our wonderful family, friends and kind neighbours whose help and support was invaluable over the wake and funeral and indeed throughout Mummy’s life.
To all those who attended the house over the festive period to spend time with us, travelled a distance to pay their respects, brought mass cards, gifts of food and floral tributes we thank you.
Many thanks also to all those unable to visit but telephoned, messaged or posted online their condolences.
Words seem inadequate to express our sincere thanks to the many groups of professionals who cared for Mummy at home and in hospital.
We thank also our own extended family and neighbours who frequent visits helped us feel their care and support.
Massive thanks to Fr Greg Carvill for his prayerful presence and support to Mummy during her illness and for celebrating a very personal and spiritual funeral mass and to our aunt and uncle Patricia and Noel for preparing the church for the funeral.
We thank also Amelia McCormack for the wonderful music which enhanced the mass and also Clara for the beautiful song tribute before we closed the coffin.
Finally to Richard Dickson for digging the grave and to Bridget and team from Mone Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner in which they handled and carried out all funeral arrangements.
We must also thank Granemore Hall for the use of their facility to host the post burial refreshments kindly provided by McEntees Catering.
At risk of failing to mention someone we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a sincere token of our appreciation.
Gabrielle’s month mind mass will be held in St Mary’s Church Granemore on Friday January 24, at 7:30pm.