The family of the late Frank Delaney, wife Monica and daughters Martina, Briege and Noeleen wish to express their sincere thanks to all those who sympathised with us by attending the wake and funeral Mass and sent Mass and sympathy cards, messaged, or posted online condolences, all of which were read and appreciated.
We offer our heart felt thanks to our family, good friends and neighbours who helped during the wake or travelled long distances to attend the wake and funeral.
A special word of thanks to the doctors in Friary Surgery, Friary District Nursing Team, Acute Care at Home Team, Maire Curie, and the Trust Domiciliary Care Team who helped the family looking after Daddy at home.
A special word of thanks Ballymacnab Round Towers GFC and St Brenda’s Camogie club and anyone else who took part in the guard of honour on Daddy’s final journey and for the beautiful tributes that were posted on-line from various clubs and committees that Daddy was involved in.
Thank you to Fr Barry Matthew’s for the beautiful Mass and the lovely personal eulogy, and to Cathy Kelly and Patricia Hagan for the lovely singing and music. Thanks to the Sacristan for their help on the day. Thanks to those who read and carried offertory gifts.
Thank you to Ballymacnab Hall Committee for the use of the hall and to McEntees Catering for the professional service after the funeral.
A special word of thanks to funeral director Hugo McArdle and team for their professional, courteous, and respectful manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements and to the Grave Diggers for preparing the grave.
As it would be impossible to thank everybody individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our sincere appreciation and gratitude.
Daddy’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Sunday February 25, at 9.30am in St Patrick’s Chapel Ballymacnab.
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