Shields, Francie (Coalisland). The family of the late Francie Shields, Mourne Cresent wish to express our deepest appreciation, to those who attended the wake and funeral and for those who shared their stories of Francie.
To those who sent food, and flowers.
To Brackaville GAA club for their guard of honour. Roisin McGlinchey for the beautiful music and Father Eugene for his kind words throughout the service.
Patsy Taggart Funeral Services for the professional handling of arrangements.
For the nurses and staff of Daisy Hill Hospital Newry, to the carers who attended to Francie at his late residence.
To Terri at the Mill Court for the food and to Brackaville Club for the post funeral arrangements.
As it is impossible to thank everyone personally, please accept this as a small gesture of our gratitude. The kindness of people will never be forgotten.
Francie Shields’ months mind mass will take place on Monday November 14, at 7:30pm in St Mary & St Joseph’s Chapel Brackaville.