McQuaid, Florence. R.I.P.
McQuaid – The daughter, granddaughters and family circle of the late Florence McQuaid R.I.P. Wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with them in their loss of a much loved mother, grandmother and sister. We were really touched by the kindness of those who called at Quinn’s funeral home, attended the funeral, or sent Mass/Sympathy cards, messages and floral tributes.
Our thanks to the Doctor’s, Nurses and Care Assistants in Craigavon Hospital, who tended to Florence in her final days.
Our thanks to Fr Clarke pp who celebrated the Requiem Mass, also to Sinead Willox and her musical support for the beautiful singing and accompaniment.
We wish to give special thanks to Mairead, Dermot and Hugh Quinn, along with Henry McCorry at Quinn Bros. Funeral Directors, for their immeasurable support and kindness throughout.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our grateful appreciation.
Florence’s months mind Mass will be celebrated on Thursday November 7, at 7pm in St John’s the Baptist church, Portadown.