Durnin, Elizabeth.
We the family of the late Elizabeth Durnin RIP would like to extend our deepest and heartfelt thanks for all those who sympathised and supported us on the passing of Elizabeth.
We would like to thank all those who sent mass cards, sympathy cards, telephoned and sent messages of condolences via social media.
A special word of thanks to our family, friends and neighbours who helped out during the wake and funeral and those who brought food and refreshments to the house. Your help and support were greatly appreciated.
To all the Doctors and Nurses of Daisy Hill Hospital who cared for Elizabeth, we would like to thank you for the care and compassion that she received during her time in hospital.
Sincere thanks to Canon Michael Toner for the beautiful requiem mass for Elizabeth. To Dearbhla McCoy and Joanna Shields for the lovely music.
Our grateful appreciation to St Patrick’s GFC for the use of their club rooms and to Mona McEntee and staff for the lovely food and refreshments.
A special word of thanks to Seamus and Aisling of Murray Funeral Directors for their professionalism, help and support provided to us.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere appreciation and thanks.
Mass can be viewed on the parish webcam https://www.mcnmedia.tv/camera/st-patricks-church.
Elizabeth’s months mind mass will be celebrated on Monday February 12, 2024 at 7pm in St Patrick’s Church Cullyhanna.