Campbell, Eleanor. We the family of the Late Eleanor Campbell (RIP) wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all of those who sympathised with us and supported us during our recent bereavement.
To our kind family, friends, and neighbours for their help and support. To those who attended the Wake, Funeral Mass, to those who sent mass and sympathy cards, letters of condolence, messaged or posted their condolences online, floral tributes or brought refreshments, To Cannon Benny Fee, (Clonoe), Fr Kevin Malcolmson ( Newtownbutler) Fr Dermot McCaul (Caledon) Fr Martin McVeigh (Clogherhead) for their prayers and kind and comforting words.
Our heartfelt thanks to Fr Eugene O’Neill for his support and for celebrating the Funeral Mass. To Siobhán O’Neill, Rosin McCurry, Jimmy, and Mary McIlvenna for the wonderful music which enriched the funeral mass so beautifully.
We extend a special thanks to Dr Mitchel and the entire staff from Coalisland Health Centre Lineside, to the District Nursing Team, to Michael Dorman and Pharmacy staff, and to the Doctors and Nurses at the Mandeville Unit Craigavon Area Hospital for their dedicated care and support shown to Mammy. Grateful thanks to Peter Devlin, of Dorman’s Funeral Directors, for the professional and dignified manner in which the Funeral Arrangements were carried out.
To the sacristan Paddy and grave digger Gary, To Kellyanne and her staff for the much-appreciated catering service, to Clonoe Community Centre for the use of their facilities and to Coalisland Na Fianne Runners for stewarding during the wake.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope that this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our appreciation. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.
Eleanor’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Friday March 3, at 7.30pm in St Mary’s and St Joseph’s Church Brackaville Coalisland.
Contact us via email marketing@ and our dedicated team can help you choose a fitting tribute.