Morgan Eamon. We, the family of the late Eamon Morgan (R.I.P.), would like to extend our sincere appreciation and heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported and sympathised with us during the recent bereavement.
Many thanks to all those who attended the wake and funeral, sent mass cards, sympathy cards, flowers, phoned, and left messages via social media. It was a great comfort to us all.
A special word of thanks to all the kind relatives, friends and neighbours who helped at our home during the wake, brought food, provided hospitality, and assisted at the funeral. Your kindness and support were very much appreciated.
We were very touched by the warmth and support shown by the local GAA community. A special thanks to Dungannon Thomas Clarke GFC, Aodh Ruadh LGFC, and the Dungannon Lourdes Committee for their Guard of Honour at his funeral, also to the Eoghan Ruadh Hurling Club and Galbally Pearses GFC for their acknowledgement of his contribution to them in the past.
A special thanks to Dean Kevin Donaghy for celebrating Requiem Mass and for his sincere and personal homily, his support and guidance during Eamon’s illness and for assisting at the burial. Thanks also to those participating in the funeral service; Sacristan, Tony McNally, singers; Brian Mills and Declan McGrath, and family members for readings, reflection and offertory procession.
We wish to convey our thanks to the medical team at Craigavon Area Hospital, the Hospital Chaplain, Cannon Liam Stevenson, Doctors, nurses and reception staff at Campbell’s Surgery, Social Worker, Dawn Willis for her help and guidance, to Glenview and Willow Grove for respite care and Clogher Valley Agency for their care and support at home. A special thanks to Stephanie, Amber, Mary and Nora for their ongoing dedicated care and attention. Thanks also to Age NI Little Scotch Street for his weekly dementia support activity.
Finally, a special word of thanks to Patsy Taggart, Funeral Director, and his assistant, for carrying out the funeral arrangements with great dignity and professionalism and also to Peter McHugh, the grave digger, for preparing Eamon’s final resting place.
Thanks also to The Gables for the lovely meal following the funeral.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this as an expression of our deep appreciation and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions
Eamon’s Month’s Mind Mass will take place on Friday May 26, in St Patrick’s Church, Dungannon at 7.30pm.
Contact us via email marketing@ and our dedicated team can help you choose a fitting tribute.