Crummy, Dympna. (nee Locke). We the family of the late Dympna Crummy would like to thank everyone that participated in her final send off. It was heart warming to us as a family to see the impact Dympna had on us all as a Mother, grand mother, great grandmother, sister and friend. She will be terribly missed and may love and time heal the wound that has been made in her absence.
A special thanks to Fr Dermot for the Celebration of Dympna’s Funeral Mass, Dearbhla and Martin for the Beautiful music and singing.
We would also like to thank McConville funeral directors for their support given and their dignified and professional manner during Dympnas wake and funeral.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincre expression of our deepest gratitude.
Dympna’s months mind mass will take place in St. Patrick’s Church Crossmaglen, Saturday January 21, at 6.30pm
“St Brigid of Faughart Pray For Her”
Contact us via email marketing@ and our dedicated team can help you choose a fitting tribute.