McGleenan, Dolores.
Peter and Paula wish to extend their sincere thanks to all those who sympathised with them on their recent loss of beloved Wife and Mother, Dolores.
To everyone who called at the home, attended the funeral, sent sympathy cards, kind messages, phone calls and heartfelt condolences which provided much strength and comfort during these past few weeks.
Thank you to Dr Eimear Moriarty, Friary surgery and to all the staff at 1 East and AMU at Craigavon Area Hospital for their compassion and attention to Dolores.
A Heartful to thanks to Fr Barry Matthews for his hospital visits and reception of remains and to Fr David Nugent for spiritual support and guidance in celebrating Dolores Requiem Mass. A special word of thanks to Cathy and Patricia for the beautiful music
Also Thank you to Claire, Eugene, Mary, Moya and Teresa for their care, attention and friendship.
Many Thanks to the grave digger for preparing Dolores final resting place and a very Special thanks to Martin and Maeve Kelly Funeral Directors for their dignified and professional way the arrangements were carried out.
It is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as an expression of our sincere gratitude. The Holy sacrifice of Mass will be offered for all your intentions.
Dolores’ Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday December 7, at 6.30pm in St Patrick’s Cathedral.