The family of the late Daniel (Danny) Canavan R.I.P, (Lurgan) wish to acknowledge and thank all those who offered sympathy, help and support during our recent bereavement.
We especially thank our kind neighbours Sheila, Bernie, Dolores and Kathleen and all those who kept us in their thoughts and prayers, called to our home, attended the funeral, sent cards or assisted in any way. Your love and support have provided us with great comfort at this time of profound loss for our family.
Special thanks to Canon Liam Stevenson for all his support and for the beautiful Requiem Mass, to the Sacristans for their assistance during the Mass, the readers Tíerna, Caódhan and Jenny and to Niamh McCluskey and Ciaran Scullion for their beautiful singing and music.
Our heartfelt thank you goes to all those who cared for Daniel during his illness, Dr Crossan and all the staff at Carrickhill Surgery, Belfast, the District Nurses of Beechall Practice and the Mater Hospital.
A special word of thanks to Daniel’s granddaughter Tíerna and grandson Ryan, who showed great strength while caring for their granda in his last weeks, and to his daughters in law Karen and Carole for all their support.
Thank you also to McAlinden and Murtagh Funeral Directors for the professional and dignified manner in which they carried out all the funeral arrangements and to Kieran the grave digger for preparing Daniel’s final resting place.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as an expression of our sincere appreciation and gratitude.
Danny’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday April 6, at 10.30am in St Paul’s Church, Lurgan.
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