We, the family of the late Sheila King (née Crossey) wish to express our sincere gratitude to all who sympathised with us during our recent bereavement.
We would like to thank all those who attended the wake and funeral, gave mass and sympathy cards, brought food, sent messages of condolence and made donations to Southern Area Hospice, it is greatly appreciated.
We will forever be grateful to all those who cared for Sheila during her illness, particularly, Aghalee Doctors Surgery, The District Nursing team, Marie Curie night nurses, The Community Carers and a very heartfelt thanks to all the staff at The Southern Area Hospice, Newry. To them we are eternally grateful.
Thankyou to Sister Fiona Galligan for the support, care and compassion given to Sheila and all the family throughout her time spent in hospice, we will never forget this.
A special word of thanks to Fr. Declan Mulligan for the spiritual support given to Sheila and the family and for the beautiful funeral Mass, also to those who done the readings and for the lovely music and singing.
Thankyou to Jack Mc Learnon and staff and Kieran Mulholland for the caring and dignified manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements.
Thanks also to Diane Mulholland and staff at The Gate Inn for the wonderful food and hospitality after the funeral.
It would be impossible to name everyone individually but please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our sincere appreciation to all.
“Our Lady of Knock Pray for Her.”
Sheila’s months mind mass will be celebrated Thursday March 7, at 7pm in St Patrick’s Church, Aghagallon.
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