McKenna, Brigid. The family of the late Brigid McKenna would like to extend their sincere thanks to all those who sympathised and supported us in our recent sad loss. Our sincere thanks to Fr Cathal Deveney for celebrating Brigid’s requiem mass.
A special word of thanks to Noeleen Neill for the beautiful singing and to Salley’s Restaurant for the refreshments after. Our sincere thanks to Dominic Muldoon Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner in which he carried out all the funeral arrangements. Thanks also to the gravedigger for preparing the grave.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a small gesture of our sincere appreciation.
The holy sacrifice of mass will be offered for your intentions.
Brigid’s months mind mass will take place in St Brigid’s Church, Killens, on Friday, December 30, at 7pm.
Contact us via email marketing@ and our dedicated team can help you choose a fitting tribute.