The sons and daughters of the late Bridie Nugent (Upper Darkley) wish to express their sincere gratitude and appreciation to all those who sympathised with them during their sad loss.
To all our wonderful family, friends and kind neighbours whose help was invaluable over the wake and funeral and indeed throughout Mummy’s life.
To all those who attended the wake and funeral, brought Mass/sympathy cards and gifts of food to the wake, telephoned and sent messages of sympathy, all these gestures were greatly appreciated. To those who helped during the wake serving refreshments, provided outside lighting, the marquee and taxied to and from the house we offer our heartfelt thanks. Our thanks to the Rev. Fr. Greg Carvill PP and the Rev. Fr. Desmond Corrigan CC, who concelebrated Bride’s beautiful Funeral Mass and to Rosin Bradley and Dermot McCusker for the beautiful singing and music. To Patricia and Noel for preparing the church for the Funeral Mass.
To the Multidisciplinary teams of Willow Bank Surgery, Anne’s Home Care, Daisy Hill Hospital, Craigavon Area Hospital and to Sean and colleague’s from McKeevers Chemist Keady, the Community Respiratory Team, the Community Acute Care Team and the District Nurses Keady who all made it possible for Mum to be kept comfortable in her own home, thank you for your kindnesses. To Granemore GAC for the use of their hall and to Ellen and staff for the lovely food and excellent service provided following the funeral mass.
Special thanks to Mones Funeral Directors for the professional and dignified manner the funeral arrangements were carried out, especially Bridget for her support and kindness to the family.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere appreciation and gratitude.
Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Thursday March 2, in St. Mary’s Church, Granemore at 7.30pm.
Contact us via email marketing@ and our dedicated team can help you choose a fitting tribute.