Eilish, Sonia, Stephen, Jayden and family circle of the late Bertie Loye would like to thank everyone who supported and sympathised with them during their sad bereavement.
Special thanks to all the staff of Willowgrove care home Dungannon for great care he recieved during his time spent there.
Also for all the doctors, nurses and care assistants in Ramone 1 in Craigavon Area Hospital who cared for Bertie during his illness their compassionate care and support for our family brought us comfort during a difficult time.
Our sincere thanks to Father Maciej and Father Michael Murray for a beautiful funeral Mass in St Patrick & St Ronan’s Church Magheralin.
Also to all the readers and to Sarah Redmond and Aíne McKee for the beautiful singing and music which made the funeral Mass more special for us.
Thankyou to Jack and Margaret McLearnon for the caring and compassionate way in which they carried out the funeral arrangements, and also to Kieran Mulholland the gravedigger.
Special thanks to the Stables for providing a beautiful buffet for the family after the funeral. To all the kind friends and neighbours, to those who sent Mass cards, Sympathy cards, gave donations for Dementia NI and attended the funeral.
We will be forever grateful for all the support and kindness we have recieved during this difficult time.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our appreciation.
Loving husband, dad, granda, brother, uncle and friend RIP.
Bertie’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Sunday January 12, at 11.00am in St Patrick’s & St Ronan’s Church Magheralin.