McGivern (Nee McNulty) Ferla Tassagh Co. Armagh, January 14, 2023. Annie. I, the son Séamus of the late Annie McGivern would like to express my sincere and heartfelt gratitude to all my relatives, friends, neighbours and work colleagues who supported me during and after my recent sad bereavement. I am indebted to all those who expressed their condolences by visiting the wake and attending the funeral, who sent Mass cards, sympathy cards, letters, messages, floral tributes, telephoned or posted messages via social media, brought gifts of food to the wake and those who viewed the funeral Mass online.
My sincere gratitude to Fr. Greg Carvill for his spiritual support, guidance, visiting Mum during her final days and for celebrating Mum’s beautiful Requiem Mass. Thanks also to Fr Peter McAnenly for visiting Mum and attending the wake and Fr Desmond Corrigan for attending the wake and funeral.
A word of thanks to the Church sacristans, Petrina and Liam, the Eucharistic Ministers, Collette and Declan, The Gribben Sisters, Julie and Jenny, for providing the lovely music and singing which enhanced the celebration of Mum’s Funeral Mass.
Also thanks to family and friends who carried out readings, prayers of the faithful, offertory procession and reflection.
I would like to thank everyone who helped care for Mum especially the dedicated team of carers and nurses in Hamilton Court Care Home, Armagh who took great care in looking after her and the support given to me in the years that she was in their care.
I sincerely thank Hugo and Sharon McArdle from JJ McArdle and Sons Funeral Directors for their very efficient, dignified and professional manner in which they carried out all the funeral arrangements during these difficult times. Many thanks also to Anne Harvey for her assistance.
A word of thanks to the gravediggers who prepared Mum’s final resting place with great care. I express my thanks to the following businesses for providing their services at the house during the wake, Vincent Brady Contracts, Armagh Tool Hire, Golden Marquees, Cordelia’s Fish and Chip Shop Armagh.
Finally thanks to the committee of Corran Hall for the use of the premises after the funeral and the Management and Staff of Basil Sheils Bar and Restaurant, Tassagh for providing the post burial refreshments.
As it is not possible to thank everyone individually, I trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a small gesture of my sincere appreciation.
“The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for all your intentions”.
Mum’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Friday February 17, 2023 at 7.30pm in St Patrick’s Church, Ballymacnab.
“St. Martin de Porres Pray for her”
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