Kennedy, Annie.
The family of the late Annie Theresa Kennedy would like to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who expressed sympathy and supported us during our recent sad bereavement.
We wish to recognize and are indebted to the care provided by Mum’s carers from Home Care Independent Living. Special word of thanks to Maureen-Anne, Rosaleen, Lynn, Karen and Grace for their love, patience, care and dedication to Mums every need. Thanks to Loy Medical Centre and Falls pharmacy for their support over the years.
Thank you to our family, relatives and friends, neighbours and colleagues who supported us along her journey, who visited our home, lined the funeral cortege route, attended the wake, funeral, sent mass and sympathy cards, letters and messages of comfort and floral tributes and expressed their condolences via telephone and social media. We thank everyone who brought food and gifts throughout the wake.
We would like to thank all her family and those who contributed to her funeral mass. Thanks to Margaret Anne for her music which made the service so beautiful. A special word of thanks to Fr Boyle PP for his visits to Mum. To Fr Brannigan (Magherafelt) for his prayers and words of comfort to her. An immense thank you to Fr Brian Slater for his spiritual support and his beautiful celebration of her life in her requiem mass and a sincere thanks to Fr Kevin Mullan PP Drumquin for concelebrating her requiem mass and his long time spiritual guidance, support and prayers over many years.
Thanks to Kieran Kirk funeral director for assisting us with our funeral arrangements. Thanks to Cookstown District Council Grave Team with the preparation of Mum’s final resting place. Thanks to Glenavon Hotel for the funeral meal. Thank you to Anne and Stephen for the beautiful flowers.
As it is not possible to thank everyone individually please accept this acknowledgment as a gesture of our gratitude. The holy sacrifice of the mass will be offered for your intentions.
Cookstown and Drumquin
Annie’s month’s mind mass will be celebrated in Holy Trinity Church , Cookstown on Sunday December 5, 2021 at 12 noon mass and via live stream here.
“God called you home and God is very near to us. We walk with you every day in our hearts. Missing you”.
Please leave messages of condolence in our comments section on the website
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