Campbell, Annette, (née Curran). The family of the late Annette R.I.P. wish to express their sincere thanks to all those who sympathised with them in their recent bereavement.
We especially thank all those kind neighbours and friends who called to the house, brought food, telephoned or sent text messages, sent Mass and sympathy cards, letters of condolence, or attended the Mass.
We are thankful to Fr Joseph Wozniak for his attentiveness and spiritual guidance during the wake and for celebrating her Requiem Mass, thanks also to Noel McCann, St Peter’s sacristan and Serene for their beautiful singing and musical pieces which enhanced the Mass
Special thanks and appreciation are due to the NI Ambulance and the Southern Trust Rapid Response Team for attending to Annette in her home.
To Annette’s friends and work colleagues in Tescos and the Knitted Knockers Charity who came together and formed a Guard of Honour in her memory, this gesture meant so much to us and we thank you most sincerely.
We also recognise the support, thoughtfulness and sensitivity provided by McAlinden & Murtagh, Funeral Directors, thank you.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually so we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere gratitude. The Campbell and Curran families, Aghagallon and Kinnego, Lurgan.
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