We the family of the late Alan Whyte wish to express our sincere thanks, for the heartfelt support and sympathy we received during our sudden sad loss of a much loved husband, father, father-in-law and grandfather.
We are hugely indebted to our friends and neighbours who called at the family home, brought gifts of food, helped in the home, sent sympathy cards, posted online tributes and also all those who attended the funeral service.
We also give thanks to Keady First Responders, the PSNI and the NI Ambulance Service for all their care and attention to Alan in the home. Also the doctors and nurses of Willowbank Surgery, Keady.
Sincere thanks to Rev Ian Abraham for all his support and pastoral care and his beautiful funeral service. To K G Cheevers and Son for their very dignified and professional way they carried out the funeral arrangements. Special thanks also to the gravediggers Richard Dickson and Richard Emerson for their care and attention preparing Alan’s final resting place.
To Mrs Helen Gibson organist and especially to the ladies of Armaghbreague Presbyterian Church for the tea after the burial this very much appreciated. To Redrock Presbyterian Church for the loan of chairs.
Thanks also to all those who gave donations in lieu of flowers for Keady First Responders and Armaghbreague Presbyterian Church Building Fund.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually please except this acknowledgment as a token of our sincere appreciation.
Jean, Tracy, Charlene and Brian and families.
As you were, you will always be, Treasured forever in our memories xx
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