O’Donnell, Aine, (Dungannon). We the family of Aine O’Donnell, late of Cloneen Dungannon, wish to express our sincere appreciation and thanks to all who supported us following the sad loss of our dear sister.
To the neighbours and friends who helped during the wake and to PJ and Patrick Quinn, Fr Eamon, Musicians, the video lady and to all who participated during the funeral mass.
Also to Dr Cleary, Paul and Sheena and all the staff at Donaghy’s Pharmacy Dungannon.
We trust this acknowledgment will be accepted as an expression of our deepest gratitude to all, The Holy Sacrifice of Mass will be offered for your intentions.
Aine’s months mind Mass will be celebrated at 7.30pm on Tuesday January 24, in St. Patrick’s Church, Dungannon.
Contact us via email marketing@ and our dedicated team can help you choose a fitting tribute.