The hydrotherapy pool at Craigavon Area Hospital has been earmarked for a major refurbishment.
The works – expected to cost in the region of £170,000 – will bring the facility up to current standards.
It will also include additional accommodation including store rooms, changing and toilet and shower facilities.
The pool at the Co Armagh hospital has made a difference to so many people and has been a vital aid in helping in the treatment of patients with so many conditions.
In February of last year, a team of physiotherapists from Craigavon Area Hospital became the first in the UK to introduce ground breaking aquatic therapy to treat critically ill patients.
The benefits of aquatic physiotherapy are well known for pain relief and helping to improve flexibility and strength following illness or injury.
The refurbishment will be warmly welcomed by all who had need to avail of the pool.
The Department of Finance and Personnel is the lead promoter for the scheme.
Those hoping to bid for the contract for the work have until 3pm next Thursday, September 28, to do so via the etendering process to etenders.healthprojects@finance-ni.gov.uk
The work, when the contract has been awarded, is expected to take around three months to complete.
*Main photo for illustration purposes only.